How to Talk and Write About Your Work
Do you get stuck when people ask you what kind of photography you do? Does the prospect of writing an artist statement fill you with dread? In this 3-week, 6-session online workshop you’ll go beyond talking about technical details, and practice describing your work in a direct and meaningful way.
January 20 – February 6, 2025 Online for the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops – Mondays and Thursdays | 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm MT
You’ll learn to avoid the twin pitfalls of literal and technical description, as well as the dreaded “artspeak.” This workshop helps you understand the critical difference between the superficial description of what your photographs are OF – and the more subtle (and infinitely more interesting) underlying reasons you have for making them: what they’re ABOUT.
The focus of this workshop is on recognizing the underlying themes of your work, separate and distinct from the subject. Conversations, exercises, and portfolio reviews help each student figure out and express what genuinely matters to them. The goal of this workshop isn’t the creation of a single piece of writing. It’s about training yourself to talk and write about your work powerfully and effectively.
Participants will complete the workshop confident in what to say (and not say) when presenting a portfolio, with a body of writing that will form a foundation for artist’s statements and other writings relating to your work, plus an array of great responses to the question, “What do you photograph?” Give yourself the gift of spending time with people as passionate about photography as you are. Join us – to deepen your understanding of your own work, and to learn to engage people as dynamically with your words as you do with your pictures.
Join us and learn something new – about photography, and about yourself.
Check out a slideshow of images and statements from a previous workshop. (TW: nudity and scars.)
This Course Has No Prerequisites.