From “Almost” to “WOW!” Lightroom Workshop
Palm Beach Photographic Centre, West Palm Beach, FL
IN-PERSON March 2 – 4, 2023, 10 am – 5 pm
Mmmmm. Palm Beach in March 🙂
Consider attending my Palm Beach fine-art digital printmaking class the week after this. This class is great prep for that workshop!
If we all use the same tools (cameras, light, computers), why do some photographers produce consistently exceptional work? Because they understand the magic necessary to transform what’s in front of the camera into a stunning photograph. In this workshop, you’ll learn what you need to know to create stronger, more striking images. Jean Miele shares his secrets, helps you figure out what’s missing from your pictures, and teaches the LightRoom and shooting techniques you need to take your work to the next level.
The class will split our time between photographing on-location and refining our images in the digital lab. Field trips will emphasize pre-visualization and camera skills. Lab time will focus on post-visualization and image processing, with step-by-step demonstrations and hands-on computer practice time. Lessons, critiques and discussions will be lively, friendly and encouraging.
information & registration
Prerequisite: Participants should be comfortable with Macintosh computers and Lightroom. Please arrive for class with all of your working tools ready to go: cameras, lots of your own (well-organized) RAW files to work on, as well as Mac-formatted hard drives/jump drives with adequate storage space to bring your work home. We will work entirely in Adobe Lightroom. The emphasis is on using vision, light (natural & artificial) and powerful, flexible, non-destructive local adjustments to redirect attention in your photographs. In order to make technical material clearer and easier to remember, “how-to” always includes “why-to.