“Just like magicians, the best photographers are always working to direct viewers’ attention. In fact, virtually all photographic enhancements – analog or digital – are forms of sleight-of-hand, developed to achieve the same goal: to subliminally focus attention on the important parts of the photograph.”
This workshop will help you create stronger, more striking images, & master the Adobe Lightroom tools needed to take your RAW files from “almost” to “WOW!”
This workshop will be held in a live, online format utilizing the Zoom platform. Class meets for 5 Mondays, Mar 24, 31, Apr 7, 14 & 21 from 4-6pm ET. Instructor’s office hours: Fridays 1-2pm ET.
If we all use the same tools (cameras, light, computers), why do some photographers produce consistently exceptional work? Because they understand the magic necessary to transform what’s in front of the camera into a stunning photograph. Weekly assignments and practice time between classes will help you create stronger, more striking images – and master the Lightroom local adjustment tools needed to take your RAW files from “almost” to “WOW!”. Online lessons, critiques, and discussions are lively, friendly, and encouraging. Join us and take your Lightroom work to the next level.
This workshop is grown-up playtime for photographers. Let’s have fun together, going deeper: deeper into the pictures themselves, and deeper into the techniques we use to craft them. Say “yes” to making new friends, new images, and working on whatever the next step is for you, technically and metaphorically. Join us for this 5-week online workshop and learn something new – about photography, and about yourself.
Course Requirements: This course is not for beginners. Participants should be familiar with Adobe Lightroom and have a current version installed on their computer. They should be entirely comfortable with computers and Zoom. Most importantly, participants will need lots of (organized) RAW files to practice on.